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About Me

I am a coach, out of passion. I care about people and their stories, their dreams, plans, and ideas.  I can help look at blockages or limiting beliefs and work with you on practical steps to move forward. 


I am a genuine coach, I listen, I care, I question and challenge everything. This is not a gig for me.  I give myself to the role and I value the time and resources of others.  Therefore I might ask: ‘Is this working?' and 'is this useful?’. 
Being effective in what I do is important to me.


My background is in community organising and leadership development. I trained in NLP and I have a Masters degree in Globalisation and Development.  I am also a qualified carpenter, a migrant from former East Germany, an artist, and a married man.


As coach and mentor I work with clients one-to-one. I also facilitate peer coaching sessions and Action Learning. 

I use my experience not to teach or evangelise.  I am not wedded to a specific methodology.  I coach in a way that is simple and practical, calm, considered and thoughtful, with a degree of brutal honesty.

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